Cottage - Life Hazards


Cottage - Life Hazards

Whatever the season for cottages, almost everyone who has a cottage will head up north to swim or skate, hike in the woods, boat or ice fish and sit on the deck and watch sunsets. For first-aid assistance no family should be without some well-known homeopathics for accidents and rashes. Firstly Arnica Montana, the quintessential for all bad falls is a necessity. For children or adults Arnica 200ch is a fabulous addition to the first-aid kit. One or two doses only of three pellets on the tongue spaced over a few hours will address everything from bruised bones and muscles to sprained ankles. This plant is the first choice of all Homeopaths for injury. It works quickly, reduces swelling and pain and improves mobility.

There is Arnica oil for external applications but Arnica oil is not for use with broken skin injuries. For injuries that break the skin, bad scrapes, have Calendula cream on hand. Apply directly on the wound. For scraped areas that look infected, dilute Calendula tincture, 15 drops into 1 ounce of sterile boiled spring water and apply compresses of gauze soaked in the diluted tincture-this works wonders.

For poison ivy, use Rhus Toxicodendron.This amazing medicine made from the poison ivy plant is the homeopathic principle of treating like with like in its essence. Take three pellets on the tongue of Rhus Tox 30ch three times a day for about three days. As soon as the rash disappears, stop the medicine. Keep this wonderful medicine on hand for other emergency use for itchy rashes fiom plants.

With all of the worry over insect bites, there are some great new products made from essential oils and homeopathics. Thorne makes a product called Shoo. Such a cute name for a great assortment of ingredients. Try it.

Enjoy the cottage life, I have one to go to now, love the loons, the steam on the lakes in the morning, the little families of ducks, etc.etc.

Please Note: It is always advisable and imperative to check with a healthcare professional whenever making changes to your medicines.

“Arnica Montana, the quintessential for all bad falls is a necessity”

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